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Moments of Demerit: A Series. Worth

 moment [ moh-muhnt ]    an indefinitely short period of time; instant: demerit [ dih-mer-it ]      the quality of being censurable or punishable; fault; culpability. I’m at a coffee shop, I’m supposed to be reading research papers- but someone around me is talking about moments of impact, moments when their life shifted for the better, moments that caused them to grow into the person they are today. Their friend is talking about to opposite. The moments push us down the path to the life we live, but they didn’t cause growth… they cause us to shrink. These are the stories of those moments. The moments that made it so I hid parts of myself away and have had to find to reclaim them. These won’t be in order of time nor of the measurement of change they cause… they just are as they come out. worth Five months after heartbreak. I’m sitting with a boy. A boy who only texts me after 9 PM. A boy who I know only texts because he knows I’ll answer. A boy who is only associated with me because I

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